



Since  Ani decided to go to Kaohsiung and sale Pizza,there were some part dying in my life.


“I will go to Kaohsiung when I getting old.”I said.


“Well,I will move to Taipei when I getting old,so we will in two place again.”she said.

If you just jump into my life right now and don’t know who is Ani,

you can search “Adult Pizza”in google,don’t be so lazy.


Don’t like Ian that we can only talk about SEX,

i am Happy in talking about deep issue with Ani.
(although there were a large part we talking GG In our deep issue)


“what’s your dream?’

“to be longly.”


I understand what the dream mean slowly.

“it’s enjoying in lonesome but die for it.”I said.


I feel I can’t have the same delight.


I feel I can’t travel along all my life.


Although My english is getting well and well when I Know DENIS who is Maffy’s boyfriend.


“If a people understand knowledge,everybody will have benefit.”wiseman said.


Although I can talk Jokes to Denis in english very easy,

I can’t go to travel along still.


FUFU ask me one day:

“Should I go to Disney ALONE?”


“Never do THAT! One of my friend go to Disney alone before,and then…”


“And then what?”


“nobody helped watching bag,it’s not good.”




there were so many stupid men like Ian Ape Qhair always Asked me:

“will you want to have a dog again?”


See?they are so stupid.


why there are so many people stupid in my life?


They thing that if I have a dog again,I will have the same memory.



Why I should worry about the memory will disappear when it is already in my brains?



When my dog died,someone ask me if I want have the bone ash by pay more money.


I said NO.


People should be nice when other is in live but not in die.




幹 接下來好難翻

算了 不翻了


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